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The Well-being Power Plant of Eastern Finland (VOIMALA)

The Well-being Power Plant develops comprehensive well-being services, advances the know-how related to these services, and strengthens the collaboration between research and development as well as education and work-life. Emphasis is on the collaboration between social, health, cultural, educational, child- and youth-work sectors.

At the background of the network of collaboration is the need to increase the overall well-being of the inhabitants of the area and to take care of the strength and availability of competent work-force in the region. The activity is based on adopting a comprehensive, systemic mindset. Professionals with integrated training are able to respond to the service needs of the future even better.

An important goal of the Voimala Consortium is social involvement; enhancement of pervasive well-being and its development in a network of several collaborators. The model of operation can be duplicated per se both nationally and internationally.

Are you searching for these?

Kirjan sivuista muodostettu sydänkuvio.

Continuous learning

Hehkulamppu, jonka sisällä kasvin lehti.


Useat kädet yhdessä, kämmenet päällekkäin.


Isoja palapelin paloja pöydällä.

Regenerative workinglife




Partnership network

The goal of comprehensive well-being

Steps 1 to 5 of the well-being power plant of Eastern Finland.
Timeline diagram.

The Well-being Power Plant of Eastern Finland (VOIMALA) as regenerative workinglife and education